Art and design

Example Artists/Artwork/Art Fact sheets/worksheets KS2 ART Resources
Lots and lots of different resources to use with the pupils all aimed at KS2.
There are fact sheets on the following artists
- Andy Warhol
- Chagall
- Da Vinci
- Henri Matisse
- Monet
- Picasso
- Renoir
- Salvador Dali
There are tons of example paintings from
- Pier Mondrian
- Van Gogh
There are life histories about
- Andre Derain
A Chagall worksheet on self portraits
A Lowry Booklet
A Roy Lichtenstein Booklet
A Matisse word search
A Mondrian word search
A PowerPoint on Portrait Artists
Example ideas for displays with Art
84 Photos of Harvest Art
Key vocab for display

KS1 ART Lesson planning
More than 30+ detailed lesson plans. A mixture of Medium term planning and Individual lesson plans.
Here is the list of what is included:
Lesson plans for
- Clay masks
- Design and Colour
- Drawing St. Pauls Cathedral
- Egyptian Art
- Frank Stella Planning
- Great fire of London Bread baking
- Great Fire of London Tutor Models
- Great Fire Planning
- Harvest Art
- Kings and Angels
- Landscapes Planning
- Making a tutor street
- Making Masks
- More Rainforests
- Mosaics
- MTP for Frank Stella
- MTP viewpoints yR4 Planning ideas
- Observation drawings
- Portraits 2
- Portraits and Pop Art
- Portraits
- Rainforest creativity
- Rainforests
- Rainy Weather
- Resource List
- A right respecting school display lesson
- Sea Scapes 2
- Sea Scapes
- Ship in a bottle
- Tudor Street
- Useful websites
- Viewpoints
- William Morris
- YR2 Observation
- Year 4 Art Lesson 1